Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I had NEW on the brain yesterday. Today it's resolutions. How many resolutions have a made and failed to follow-through on? I wonder if there are any at all that I've succeeded at? hmmm. hmmm. There aren't any just popping into my head here. I wonder why resolutions are so hard to keep? What does being "resolved" mean? How can I be resolute? Maybe I should resolve to be resolute. Where is that determination? I always seem to resolve to make changes that I need to make or want to make, which seem to be the most difficult things in life......take the most determination.....and fail them every time.

I thought I would go to the Bible and see if anyone in there made resolutions. Well, I found Jehoshaphat. He resolved himself to inquire of the Lord. (2 Chron 20) Now there is a novel idea, resolving to inquire of the Lord BEFORE he made a decision. Faced with war and not knowing what to do, He inquired of the Lord! And was brought victory. Next, I find Daniel. He resolved not to defile himself.(Daniel 1:8) And he didn't. Even in the lion's den. And he was brought to victory. And then I find Paul. He resolved to know nothing but Christ Jesus and Him crucified. (1 Cor. 2:2) And he was brought to the ultimate victory by finishing the race Christ had laid out for him!

So as I ponder resolutions and being resolved this year, I think I would like to resolve to inquire more from the Lord. I'd like to resolve not to defile myself(that's a stretch--to put it mildly.) I'd like to resolve to know nothing but Christ Jesus and Him crucified. These men were determined. I would love to have that kind of resolve. For this unused, fresh 2009, Father, I ask you to help me be resolved for You!

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